Today we’re sharing ‘The Success Formula’ – it is one of those generalised principles that fits all areas of business and life and it’s so simple we find most people fail to pay attention to it so they get the results.

Not paying attention results in all the problems associated with lack of clarity – of goals or or next ‘best actions’ – leading to results that you’re not happy with. The alternative of what we’re sharing with you today is:

Get/stay confused/unclear, don’t prioritise, take any action – even if it’s using your energy but not getting you where you want to be, and be erratic in your delivery of what you do.

Well, that’s the Formula for Failure.

and we certainly DON’T recommend it. So let’s turn it around . . .


Ready for The Formula for Success (in life and business)? OK, here goes. We’ll keep this really simple.



MASSIVE ACTION = connect with your passion, get excited. If you aren’t, how can you expect your prospects to be? At the very least start to take ‘more action’. Taking Massive Action is part 1 and it’s no good on its own – that’s why it’s in a formula.

Ask yourself – what would massive action look like for me in the next 90days (to the end of the year)?

RIGHT STUFF = it’s no good taking lots of action if it’s not the right stuff to get you the results you choose. Being busy isn’t the answer. Focussing on taking the actions that will move you closer to your goals is what counts. Ask yourself – will this action/activity move me closer to my goals or further away? This is where you find your focussed steps or you get caught up in distraction.

CONSISTENCY = small steps, regularly taken lead to huge results. I often quote the tortoise and the hare story. The hare goes rushing along, thinks they’re so far ahead they can’t possibly lose. So they get distracted and waste time. They don’t keep their eye on the goal and get it done. This also happens when people focus on the obstacles, rather than their vision of the ‘finish line’, the end result. Consistency, slow and steady wins the race. It’s not the big things that make the biggest difference . . . it’s showing up and doing the ‘do’ . . . the things that will keep you moving forward that matter. For the science, check out ‘Atomic Habits’ by James Clear. Awesome book.

1% improvement per day makes you 37.78 times better in a year. Not 37%, 34 TIMES!

that brings us nicely to the other side of the equation:


If you’re not happy with yours then just look at the other side of the formula that generates your results. Which part needs you to ‘up your game’?

Which part is ‘letting the side down’?

Which part will you focus on getting right first?

Quick story by way of example.

We were talking to a friend of ours who was disappointed with their sales and income levels – especially given the hours and effort they were putting into their business.

We used the formula and quickly identified her scores in each area

MA = YES – she was incredibly busy and seeing lots of people

RS = NO – the people she was spending so much time with were NOT her ideal clients. No wonder they weren’t buying

C = YES – she was speaking at events, networking at meetings, doing a huge amount of work.


Hers was simple. (It’s the 80% of your results in Marketing!)

She looked at WHO her ideal client was and WHERE she could find them in the highest concentration. She cut out the meetings and groups that were NOT right for her. She got her life back and her focus and purpose. Remember, it’s the small changes that make the biggest difference.

We’d love to hear what insights YOU get from this . . . tell us in our 90dayplanningfree group on facebook. Click here and tell us which part of the formula you’re going to focus on.

And . . . if you want help inside our 90dayaccelerator membership you can check out how that works here:


NOTE: Membership closes at 9pm tonight and won’t reopen until December. if you’re interested in seeing what it’s about and how it could help you, click through now.


Speaking of formulas, here’s a great one for a LinkedIn post:

Show your audience their formula to success and what they should focus on if they want to achieve a specific result.

And, show them what they should stay away from.

Here’s an example:

So, here’s why this works:

As humans, we’re constantly looking for ways to achieve a specific result as fast and as easily as possible.

Because we have a tendency to always overcomplicate things.

Not just that, but we place our attention on things that we like to do, or that give us a quick reward, but don’t necessarily move the needle.

And if you are someone that can get them on the right track, they’ll trust you.

So, what are the things that your audience should (and shouldn’t) do to achieve their dream outcome?

Make a list and share it with them in your next post.


LinkedIn can become an asset in your sales pipeline if it’s used correctly! One of our most popular downloads over the years has been ‘LinkedIn Content Secrets’.

This is one of our most under utilised tools, this book with over 32 pages of content will transform your knowledge on LinkedIn Marketing strategies!

Want a copy? Click here: resources.90dayplanning.co.uk/Content-Secrets