What kind of start has your 2023 got off to?  We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and that you’re set to make this your best year ever.  It’s what we aim to do . . . every year!

We’ve already noticed that there’s a distinct sense of business owners falling into one of two main camps as they return to work after the break.

One type is all doom and gloom – focussed on the news, the economy, the problems and challenges.  The conversations over coffee are more about rising prices, politics, inflation and how tough everything is.  These people are mostly seeming to be ‘at the effect’ of external forces.

All very pessimistic, very disempowering.  Not much of a way to get yourself motivated for business!


We’re also seeing the opposite.  Not in a ‘Pollyanna’ “everything is wonderful!” way which is deluded.  But in a much more positive approach.

The other group of business owners are adopting a more pragmatic approach by taking some time out to:

  • step back and look at the big picture
  • reflect on what they CHOOSE to focus on
  • get clarity on their goals (we recommend focussing on 90days at a time – a quarter)
  • get clear on WHO they need to BE to achieve their goals
  • take time to make themselves aware of what obstructions/challenges they may face
  • consider WHO can help them achieve their goals (groups, mentors, coaches)
  • and create a plan
  • take action *
  • and achieve their plans and goals – sometimes alone, more often as part of a powerful group where they can use the power of environment.

Tips to make Q1 a great start to your year:

  1. We definitely recommend you use our one page ‘Stairway to Heaven’ as your Goal Achievement System.   You can get it here
  2. Take regular and consistent action on your plan – *consistent small steps beat inconsistent and erratic action every time.  
  3. Join us inside the free 90dayplanning group for ongoing support and more resources.  Link in intro above.

Are you ready to grasp the opportunities of this new year?

We are!

The 3 Day Leadership Challenge!

Challenge yourself…
Challenge your business...
Challenge your leadership!

Become the Gold Medal Leader
That you Know that you can be!


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