How clear is your marketing message?  I used to try creating new content all the time but without a structure it didn’t land as well as it could.  I wonder if you’re the same as I was – I have so much to share that I just pour it out without as much thought as it might need.

Well that was until I decided to get a little extra help to make things simpler.

You may already know that LESS IS MORE and that confusing your reader never works well.

But just how do you share your message so it lands better?


Well, Andy always talks about your Linkedin Marketing strategy being about 3 things – FINDING, CONNECTING and ENGAGING.  I constantly come back to these 3 ideas so let’s talk about them a little more.

Those 3 words work well for all kinds of marketing.

  1. FIND – to find your ideal client/contact you need to have a really good idea of WHO you are looking for and WHERE to find them.  And there – in 2 simple words you have 80% of your likelihood of success.

    Unless you’re really clear on who you want (and where they hang out) then it’s like firing a blunderbuss of random shot instead of a sniper rifle approach.  Although clearly you want to find the right people so you can help them!  (not pick them off!)

    So do you have a clear CLIENT AVATAR – so that you can really know who you’re talking to.  Do you understand their problems?  Can you show them how you solve those problems?  More of that later . . .

    DON’T DIVE IN TOO SOON – that’s like turning up at a date and inviting them straight back to meet your family!
  2. CONNECT – this is where so many get it wrong – they connect then dive straight into sales.  You’ll see it in your email in box and your social media chat areas.  The first part of this is – having done step 1 where you’ve found your ideal client – don’t burn them!

    Now it’s time to CONNECT with them in the right way.  Comment on something in their profile, compliment them.  Look like you’re interested and paying attention.  Don’t dive in with your pitch – you’ll scare them off and that’s not what you want. 

    I know Andy has a series of what he calls ‘Magic Messages’, and I’ve used templates to help me get started – with emails and with social media. 

    But remember – that’s what they are – templates!  Now it’s up to YOU to make it more personal and relevant.  Take it a step at a time and be human.  Be you.
  3. ENGAGE – this is the stage where you’ve found someone and started the conversation off on the right foot.  Maybe you’ve shared something useful with them – a tip, a resource – or something of value rather than diving into your pitch.

    This is the point where you now start to build trust.  You don’t do that by pitching too soon.  Ask questions.  Answer questions.  Act as you would in polite conversation.  Listen (/read). 

    Yes, you have a system for your Marketing, Sales and Delivery – even if you don’t think you have one – look back at what you’ve been doing.  Look at what works and what doesn’t.  (More on that next week).

Today I’m going to share with you a document of ours called ‘10 Reasons Why Most People are Not Getting Business through LinkedIn’.


I know that the reason you’re posting on LinkedIn (or wanting to) is probably that you’re trying to sell something. 

Either you’re selling your products or services, or even, your community, event, ideas, etc. 

Bottom line is, you’re trying to convince others to do something.

Now, the mistake a lot of people make is they go into hard-selling mode automatically. 

That is, they try and push their audience into doing something.

And there’s a big difference between convincing someone and pushing someone.

That’s why I wanted to share the following post with you today. 

Because it’s a perfect example of how you can soft sell something, and thereby convince your audience to act.

​​​​​​​Here it is:

Now, how exactly is this post selling something?

It all happens right at the beginning, in the first sentence. Here it is for you again:

I’ve written 500+ LinkedIn posts and at least 200 were stories.

So, why is this sentence actually selling something for Sahil?

Well, because it informs his audience that he has experience with writing and creating LinkedIn content. 

And when they get intrigued and open up his profile, they realise that Sahil is a LinkedIn ghostwriter and that they can hire him to write content for him. 

That’s how your content turns your audience into paying clients. 

Now, I’m oversimplifying this for the sake of this email. 

But what I want you to think about is how intentional you are behind your content. 

Are you creating content that actually sells you?

Or are you creating simply to get likes?


One of our most difficult things when it comes to posting regularly on LinkedIn is coming up with consistent ideas for content and what content works best for your business. 

We’ve created a 32-page E-Book full of our collective knowledge on LinkedIn. What works best and what strategies will get you more leads from LinkedIn. 
Want a copy? Click here: resources.90dayplanning.co.uk/Content-Secrets

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