How is 2023 going for you, and for your business?  What lessons have you learned from the first quarter and how is that changing what you do in quarter 2?

A famous person once said “those who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it”.  Now there is a scary thought . . . well it is for me!  That’s why we always take time each quarter to do a good review BEFORE we even think about setting the goals for the next 90 days.

Our goal is to share useful and easy to apply business tips and strategies so that YOU can get better results each quarter.  Why?  Because the speed at which life/business is changing now is startling.  And we see too many people who are just getting ‘left behind’, or they are ‘in overwhelm’, or unclear about what their next steps are.  Others are paralysed by fear of making the wrong decision, or (quite rightly!!) worried about who they can trust.

There’s so much information out there – are you just ‘too busy’ to take time to find a better, smarter way to do something?   Earlier this week I heard someone say ‘we’re drowning in information but starving for wisdom’.  Where do you start?  Which way do you turn?  (Hopefully you are not falling into the trap of just working faster, or putting in longer hours . . . we all need ‘a life’ to keep our balance.


You’ll know from our updates that we have invested time and energy in the last couple of weeks (along with our clients) to get really clear on what we want from Q2 (and yes, we do it every 90days).

Experience shows us that chunking things down and focussing on the next steps, and taking them regularly beats ‘giving it everything you’ve got, being exhausted, stepping away from it for a while, then coming back to it again after a break’.  Slow and steady – consistency – wins out.

It’s all about momentum.

In box 1 of our 9 Box Business Success Method (the 1-page system we share freely because we want ALL businesses to do well) we cover so much more than goals.  There are 4 main areas and I wonder how you would score yourself/your business on each of them.

  1. YOUR VISION – __/10   A strong, clear vision motivates, inspires and gets you moving.  And it’s a powerful enabler for you and your team(s).
  2. YOUR MISSION: __/10  How well are you communicating and living the mission your business exists to accomplish? 
  3. YOUR VALUES:  __/10   What values is your business founded on.  Do they match your personal values.  Do your team/prospects/audience know what they are?
  4. YOUR GOALS:  __/10    The first 3 areas help you to clarify that your goals are in alignment with who you are and what you do.  

When you can easily share the above 4 parts of this ‘foundation stone’, it’s easier to find, connect and engage with the right people for you.  And you are far more attractive to them – they’ll understand you and want to do business with you.  

Never underestimate the power of casting a vision – for yourself first and for those you want to enrol/inspire/engage with.

Next Steps:

  1. Follow me – Mary –  on LinkedIn.  Each week I share ONE SIMPLE RESOURCE you can implement to improve your life and business.  https://www.linkedin.com/in/marycollin1/ 
  2. Want more info/support – click the link in the intro and join our free 90dayplanning facebook group.  We’ll show up and answer your questions.  And just like the next tip in part 2 – we have a library of great resources you can claim and implement quickly and easily . . . 


I recently discovered a creator who describes himself as “The Cheat Sheet Guy”.

And what he’s doing with his content is very cool. 

His name is Kévin Moënne-Loccoz.

Take a look at one of his most recent posts:

So, why am I sharing this with you?

Because Cheat Sheets are a great way to communicate ideas effectively. 

And content marketing is all about communicating effectively. 

Cheat Sheets bring a ton of value and knowledge + they are easy to consume + they stand out + people save them to review later.

That’s 4 wins right there if you ask me. 

So, think about this:

Could you create some sort of Cheat Sheet about your topic of expertise?

The answer is, you can!

Take a look at Kévin’s content right here to get inspired 😉


EG:  One of our most difficult things when it comes to posting regularly on LinkedIn is coming up with consistent ideas for content and what content works best for your business. 

We’ve created a 32-page E-Book full of our collective knowledge on LinkedIn. What works best and what strategies will get you more leads from LinkedIn. 

Want a copy? 

Click here: www.resources.90dayplanning.co.uk/Content-Secrets  

The 3 Day Leadership Challenge!

Challenge yourself…
Challenge your business...
Challenge your leadership!

Become the Gold Medal Leader
That you Know that you can be!


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