“Those who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it”.


I think so.  And I think that the problem with the speed of change right now is that it’s too easy to be busy and not take the time out to make sure you/we learn the lessons of each quarter.

Because if you don’t learn the lessons and do something different, then you’ll just keep trying to go faster and faster.  And that’s exhausting.  But you already know that – right?

It’s frighteningly common as a strategy.  Especially as it doesn’t work.

And those who DO hit the pause button and have the courage to take time out to reflect, get the learning and DO something DIFFERENT – well, you’ll quickly see those people ‘lapping’ you as they pass you by.

It’s not that they are geniuses.  It’s not that they have a better idea than you.

They just take time to reflect and learn.  Then they make small changes.  Their pattern is ‘learn, do, learn, do’.  So they refine as they go.

You can too.


Hit the pause button.  

We’ll be doing exactly that TODAY with our 90dayaccelerator members as you are reading this.  

For us this happens once a quarter (minimum!).  We stop to reflect and see what’s working, what’s not and what changes we need to make to be more effective.

We look at our numbers, our results, our profits, how we feel, everything.

You can use the 1-page Business Success System (you know, the one with 9 Boxes) organised into 3 pillars:  

  1. YOU, 

If you’ve got that document, great. If not – claim it below then go score yourself.

BONUS:  if you want the simplest system to review your quarter using just 2 headings, get the “Simple Improvements Accelerator” template.  

  • HEADING 1:  LBs:  What do you Like Best – list everything and catch yourself and others doing things right.  Consciously keep anything in that list in your next quarter’s plan.
  • HEADING 2:  NTs  (only AFTER you’ve finished the above list!)
    List everything you can – and WILL – do Next Time to make things even better. 

Simple.  2 columns.  Claim your template now and you have a structured, easy way to keep doing what works and start making changes to help you get better results.

You might be surprised at just how quick and easy it is to do and just what a difference it will make – IF you’re not too busy to get it and use it.

Next Steps:

  1. Follow me – Mary –  on LinkedIn.  Each week I share ONE SIMPLE RESOURCE you can implement to improve your life and business.  https://www.linkedin.com/in/marycollin1/
  2. Score yourself on the “Business Results Accelerator” template – you can get it here JACK TO ADD LINK for 9 box Model – note the new name 
  3. Get your copy of the simple “Simple Improvements Accelerator” template – with the LBs & NTs I mentioned above JACK – do they ‘reply with LBs’ or is there a link to download and for us to capture their details?
  4. Want more info/help?  Talk to me in the free facebook group (see intro) OR join us inside the membership – remember there’s no time commitment and in 4 months you’ll go through the whole cycle and see why people stay.  And you can decide to love it or leave it. 

    The most affordable coaching programme, resources and support to help you really make the change you’re looking for.


You know how they always tell you to celebrate the small wins in life?

Well, the good thing is you can use those mini-celebrations for your LinkedIn content as well. 

If it’s something that’s related to your industry and line of work, your audience will appreciate it. 

Here’s an example of how to do it:

In this case, Caleb shared the views his content got on TikTok. 

And at the same time, encouraged his audience to get started with creating content. 

It’s a small win for him. It brings a bit of social proof. And it’s also a post that motivates his audience. 

Perfect combo. 

So, what small win have you achieved recently that you could post about?


One of our most difficult things when it comes to posting good content regularly on LinkedIn is coming up with ideas for content and knowing what content works best for your business. And we often hear people say that doing that consistently is a real challenge.

But it doesn’t have to be!

We’ve created “LinkedIn Content Secrets” – a 32-page e-Book packed with our collective knowledge on LinkedIn about what works best and what strategies will get you more leads from LinkedIn. 

Get your copy now.Click here: www.resources.90dayplanning.co.uk/Content-Secrets

The 3 Day Leadership Challenge!

Challenge yourself…
Challenge your business...
Challenge your leadership!

Become the Gold Medal Leader
That you Know that you can be!


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