How can you talk to your prospects if you don’t put yourself in their shoes?

So often I find that business owners are more focussed on what they offer and what they give . . . so much so that they forget what the experience is like for their prospects (readers of your emails and social media posts, etc).  You can be confident in your offering but unless you touch a nerve or strike a chord with the emotions of your prospective client you’re less likely to get anywhere.

Whatever it is that each of us sell . . . there are potentially 100s of others your market can choose from.  And remember that people buy on emotion more than logic.  

So here’s a really quick solution for you today.


Head on over to our free facebook group – you are in it aren’t you?  The link is always at the top of each email.

Here’s your quick link.

You’ll find 7 short questions to help you to identify with what your prospective clients are looking for and how you can better share the benefits of YOUR OFFERING with them.  Tap into the emotion of how they’ll feel when they work with you.

Two super-fast examples.

  • I’ll never forget the time Andy was thinking of changing his motorbike.  He went to the showroom and came home on a completely different bike.  They’d loaned him a bike he liked the look of – to ride over the weekend.  If you like it, who is going to go back and NOT buy it.  It’s called the ‘puppy dog close’.  
  • Second example is something we do . . . every quarter we GIVE all of our network the opportunity to try us out on a 5-Day TIME & GOALS CHALLENGE . . . I like to try before I buy and it comes with no strings attached.  And it’s easy for us to give away.  The worst that happens is you get to see us, work with us and be supported through 5 days.  And then if you decide to stay in our free group that’s fine by us.  We like to build trust and long term relationships.

And we’re interested in your experience, and your questions.

If we’re a good fit you’re more likely to feel happier about making a decision.  If the time/offer isn’t right we’ll both know.

Click on that quick link above and check out the 7 questions.

How can you use them?

Next Steps:

  1. Follow me – Mary –  on LinkedIn.  Each week I share ONE SIMPLE RESOURCE you can implement to improve your life and business.  https://www.linkedin.com/in/marycollin1/ 
  2. Want more info/help?  Talk to me in the free facebook group (see intro) or join us inside the membership – remember there’s no time commitment and in 4 months you’ll go through the whole cycle and see why people stay.  And you can decide to love it or leave it. 

    The most affordable coaching programme, resources and support to help you really make the change you’re looking for.


Are there any templates or specific resources you have created to make your job easier?

If so, consider sharing it with your audience on LinkedIn. 

Chances are, they’ll find value in it as well. 

That’s what Jose did in this post right here:

You see, this “template” that Jose is sharing is super valuable for anyone on the same path as he is. 

So, it will likely get a ton of attention since he’s giving it away to his audience for free. 

The nice thing about this type of content is that you simply have to share something you’re already using in your daily activities. 

Plus, it’s a great way to build trust with your audience and become even more valuable to them. 

Will you give it a try? Let me know!


EG:  One of our most difficult things when it comes to posting regularly on LinkedIn is coming up with consistent ideas for content and what content works best for your business. 

We’ve created a 32-page E-Book full of our collective knowledge on LinkedIn. What works best and what strategies will get you more leads from LinkedIn. 

Want a copy? 

Click here: www.resources.90dayplanning.co.uk/Content-Secrets  

The 3 Day Leadership Challenge!

Challenge yourself…
Challenge your business...
Challenge your leadership!

Become the Gold Medal Leader
That you Know that you can be!


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