As you head into your Christmas festivities are you wondering where the year went?
Have you had your head down, working like crazy and not seeing the wood for the trees?
Did you think you’d get so much more done in 2023 only to find you’re still rushing to finish as we approach Christmas Eve and everything that’s happening the next few days?
You might even see Christmas as an annoying interruption.
Or maybe you’re glad of the ‘enforced break’?
I think Joe’s story tells it well in the next section . . . the very definition of ‘leverage’ is ‘ever more, with ever less’.
You might have also heard it described as ‘less is more’.
Some people are just busy being busy and they think it’s the numbers that matter. The number of views, likes, etc.
But it’s the meaningful conversations and engagement that matter more.
And in the next few days we hope you’ll give yourself time to think about that – and what it means to you:
- At home
- At work
Look back at the last quarter – or even year – and think about what you liked best. Keep those things in your 2024 plan.
When you’ve got a great long list, then you can move onto part 2.
On reflection – what lessons have you learned? What would you do differently (to make it even better) next time. We call these 2 lists LBs and NTs and we use them all the time.
LB = Like Best.
Tip: notice LOTS of these. Catch yourself doing right and consciously repeat them.
NT = Next Time.
Tip: just pick a few things to work on refining. They must be things you CAN DO and will do. It’s not a whingefest. It’s a practical way to make progress.
We even have a handout for it if you’d like it (it really is so simple!). Reply and we’ll get it to you . . .
Next Steps:
- Follow me – Mary – on LinkedIn. Each week I share ONE SIMPLE RESOURCE you can implement to improve your life and business. https://www.linkedin.com/in/marycollin1/
- Want more info/help? Talk to me in the free facebook group (see intro) or join us inside the membership – remember there’s no time commitment and in 4 months you’ll go through the whole cycle and see why people stay. And you can decide to love it or leave it.
The most affordable coaching programme, resources and support to help you really make the change you’re looking for.
What’s a mistake you’ve made in the last year and recently realised?
Well, don’t tell me. Tell your audience about it.
Just like Joe did on this post right here:

Here’s the thing:
Nobody knows everything about everything.
Life & business are just a big game of testing things and “figuring it out” as it goes.
An inevitable part of it is making mistakes.
And your audience doesn’t expect you to be perfect.
Actually, sharing with them the things you’ve done wrong makes you so much more relatable.
And relatability is something that will give your content on LinkedIn more attention.
EG: One of the most difficult things for most people – when it comes to posting regularly on LinkedIn – is coming up with consistent ideas for content and what content works best for your business.
We’ve created a 32-page E-Book full of our collective knowledge on LinkedIn on what works best and what strategies will get you more leads from LinkedIn.
Want a copy?
Click here: www.resources.90dayplanning.co.uk/Content-Secrets