Take Your Business or Career To The Next Level With Our Coaching Program Designed To Optimize Your Business and Maximize Your Results!

B.A.N.K. IOS Coaching Program

Interactive, hands-on coaching in the B.A.N.K. IOS clarifies your purpose and vision and equips you to make them a reality. Work smarter, not harder!

B.A.N.K. Intelligence Operating System (IOS) coaches you on how to leverage the 6 proven B.A.N.K. Intelligences, plus our tools, training and technology, to weather tough times and skyrocket your success in any economy. Be a more empowered leader and level up your business or career quickly!

90 days of Live Small-Group Coaching

  • Learn about each of the Intelligences in hands-on, discussion-based classes while discovering new ways to apply them to your business or career for better results.

1-on-1 Individual Accountability Sessions

  • Set better personal and professional goals with the help of your Coach, and then stay accountable thanks to their guidance and feedback in forums and these two 1-on-1 private sessions.

VIP Access to B.A.N.K. IOS Resources

  • Get exclusive access to the IOS workbooks and content, plus videos of our 4 sold-out B.A.N.K. Masterclasses, 30-days full access to Codebreaker Explore, and more!

All-Access Pass to B.A.N.K. Tools, Training, and Technology

  • Access the power of the full B.A.N.K. system with your Codebreaker Explore subscription to generate unlimited leads, use cutting-edge artificial intelligence, and access our virtual training platform for bigger wins in a fraction of the time.

B.A.N.K. IOS is an operating system you can use anywhere, anytime for predictable results

6 B.A.N.K. Intelligences help you achieve bigger successes in a fraction of the time

Don’t just learn from theory, learn from each other by sharing your journey

Interactive coaching sessions allow you to have true Socratic dicussions with experts

Contact Laura to Find Out Which Subscription is Best For You

Or Call 416-357-0060

The 3 Day Leadership Challenge!

Challenge yourself…
Challenge your business...
Challenge your leadership!

Become the Gold Medal Leader
That you Know that you can be!


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