Take Your Business or Career To The Next Level With Our Coaching Program Designed To Optimize Your Business and Maximize Your Results!
B.A.N.K. IOS Coaching Program
Interactive, hands-on coaching in the B.A.N.K. IOS clarifies your purpose and vision and equips you to make them a reality. Work smarter, not harder!
B.A.N.K. Intelligence Operating System (IOS) coaches you on how to leverage the 6 proven B.A.N.K. Intelligences, plus our tools, training and technology, to weather tough times and skyrocket your success in any economy. Be a more empowered leader and level up your business or career quickly!
90 days of Live Small-Group Coaching
- Learn about each of the Intelligences in hands-on, discussion-based classes while discovering new ways to apply them to your business or career for better results.
1-on-1 Individual Accountability Sessions
- Set better personal and professional goals with the help of your Coach, and then stay accountable thanks to their guidance and feedback in forums and these two 1-on-1 private sessions.
VIP Access to B.A.N.K. IOS Resources
- Get exclusive access to the IOS workbooks and content, plus videos of our 4 sold-out B.A.N.K. Masterclasses, 30-days full access to Codebreaker Explore, and more!
All-Access Pass to B.A.N.K. Tools, Training, and Technology
- Access the power of the full B.A.N.K. system with your Codebreaker Explore subscription to generate unlimited leads, use cutting-edge artificial intelligence, and access our virtual training platform for bigger wins in a fraction of the time.
B.A.N.K. IOS is an operating system you can use anywhere, anytime for predictable results
6 B.A.N.K. Intelligences help you achieve bigger successes in a fraction of the time
Don’t just learn from theory, learn from each other by sharing your journey
Interactive coaching sessions allow you to have true Socratic dicussions with experts